Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another Day In The Life...

I sat down today and got a little more focused...really been struggling as of late. The problem is that the internet is so cool, it's the only place where you can literally be in business in 5-20 mins with little or no money at all. My problem is that the internet is so cool, it's the only place where you can literally be in business in 5-20 mins with little or no money at all...lol.

Really it's a problem for someone like me who loves a good idea, sees an opportunity and goes for it before you know it you're jack of all trades and master of none. I see an idea or something I like and up goes a blog or website, fully monetized and ready to go. What's the problem you say? Time management and follow up, you sometimes end up going in to many directions at the same time, you're busy but may not be as productive as you could be.

Note: It would help if I had people reading this stuff, still struggling with a lack of traffic but I'll get there.

It ain't easy being me...

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