Thursday, March 26, 2009

Help Others, Help Yourself...

I have a project that I'm working on that will do just that. It's amazing how you really can't get anywhere worthwhile or do anything of real value without helping someone else or getting help yourself.

There are really no self made millionaires, someone was there to help them when they needed it and in turn they we're there to help someone else, it's amazing how dependent we are on one another, and don't want to admit it.

Help someone else first and watch your needs, wants, and desires get taken care of.
More to come...

Until next time,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another Day In The Life...

I sat down today and got a little more focused...really been struggling as of late. The problem is that the internet is so cool, it's the only place where you can literally be in business in 5-20 mins with little or no money at all. My problem is that the internet is so cool, it's the only place where you can literally be in business in 5-20 mins with little or no money at

Really it's a problem for someone like me who loves a good idea, sees an opportunity and goes for it before you know it you're jack of all trades and master of none. I see an idea or something I like and up goes a blog or website, fully monetized and ready to go. What's the problem you say? Time management and follow up, you sometimes end up going in to many directions at the same time, you're busy but may not be as productive as you could be.

Note: It would help if I had people reading this stuff, still struggling with a lack of traffic but I'll get there.

It ain't easy being me...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

RiverWalk Jenks, Ok Pic 6

Nice view of the river...

RiverWalk Jenks, Ok Pic 5

Small Outdoor Concert Area

RiverWalk Jenks, Ok Pic 4

RiverWalk Jenks, Ok Pic 3

RiverWalk Jenks, Ok Pic 2

RiverWalk Entrance Jenks,OK Pic 1

Internet Marketing...and Life.

Blah, blah, blah, I think I have heard it all about this subject, by the way this is what I do, I think. The toughest thing about this biz is that everybody has an opinion and facts are hard to find. Oh yeah driving traffic to your site is pretty tough

I am exactly 45 days into my new (full time) endevor and it has been as rewarding as it has challenging, I made my decision and am very happy with it, wouldn't change it for the world.

The best part for me is the increased and quality time I now get to spend with my family, like today my youngest daughter and I went picture taking at a "river walk", you know with all the neat shops and resturants right on the river, it was great, normally I would be to stressed out from work to enjoy something like that.
I'll post some more pics for you to enjoy and we'll talk later.


This is a simple blog about a complex

Sit back and enjoy the ride.